Mr Fox Wong
  Wendy Ko
Year of Study : 1993-1994

I was an undergraduate of Biology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1989 to 1993.  During these years, I was active in participating local conservation works in various aspects and my main focus was put on bird study.

After graduated in 1993, with the scholar awarded, I spent the following year at Aberdeen for the Master study.  During that year, I learned a much broader environmental topics and approaches in the UK perspective.  The advantage of the Aberdeen study is the stress on integration instead of separation of the acquired knowledge.  Solving the root of the environmental problems we faced today has to be integrative.

In addition to this formal study, it happened that I gained enough practice during the spare time to be recognised as a licensed bird ringer by British Trust for Ornithology.  I am the first Hong Kong Chinese recognised by the Organisation.  I am also a licensed holder in China nowadays.

I, by profession, am an Immigration Officer of the HKSAR Government now.  I remain as an active bird ringers and lead the local bird ringing activity.  I also contribute to the local environment by informal discussions with the wide network I involved in the environmental field of Hong Kong.  With my broad environmental knowledge gained at Aberdeen and contribution can be made towards the Hong Kong and mainland Chinese environment.